Mission Statement
“The Park Conservation District Supervisors’ goal, in partnership with the NRCS, is to guide Park County in the conservation and management of soil, water, cropland, grazing lands, weeds and small acreages by providing leadership in conservation planning, technical assistance, education resources, and resource management tools and inventories.”
Natural Streambed & Land Preservation Act (310 Law)
One of the Park CD’s main responsibilities is upholding the 310 Law. Under this law, all activity directly on perennial streams or its banks must have a 310 permit before the action is taken. The Park CD processes these permits, inspects the proposed project site, and approves, modifies or denies the project. For more information, see the 310 permit information page.
Watershed Groups
The Park CD has encouraged and supported the formation of two watershed groups within Park County where previously there were no other functioning stakeholder groups. The Upper Yellowstone Watershed Basin (UYWB) and the Shields Valley Watershed Group (SVWG) are a collection of ranchers, landowners, and citizens of the community with a common goal of protecting and improving the land, water and resources of the watershed. The relationship between the Park CD and the watershed groups provides and essential link to the community and continuation of successful conservation practices within Park County. Both the UYWB and SVWG have regular meetings held every two to three months to discuss relevant projects or issues within each watershed.
Education and Outreach
The Park CD works with local schools, 4H participants, and other community members to put on or communicating educational events and opportunities happening throughout the county.
Noxious Weeds
The Park CD is a partner with the Park County Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA) in the pursuit of noxious weed management across the county. This working group is a grassroots-driven organization working to foster collaboration and cooperation among private individuals, private groups, and public entities to fight invasive plants in Park County. It is working to maintain the productivity, biodiversity, and beauty of the county by managing noxious weeks, responding to new infestations, watching out for new invaders, and protecting the landscape from noxious weed invasions. The Park County CWMA holds regular meetings every few months to discuss target areas of weed management, grant funding for projects, and project implementation. For more information on projects in the area and noxious weeds prevalent in Park County, visit the Park County CWMA website.